I get PTT and other control of the Icom via N1MM, but no CW is actually generated. On Tue, at 3:13 PM 'Andrew O'Brien' wrote:Īnyone care to share their config settings for CW keying of an Icom 7300 using N1MM ? I have successfully used CW and N1MM with Kenwood and Flex radios but can't find a way to produce keying of the rig with the new Icom. A drawback is of you have a key connected to the 7300, you won't have the same cw speed control as n1mm. I don't have the exact configuration in front of me but it is doable. The setting is on my 7300 single cable post but matching n1mm keying settings to what you set on the radio will generate keying In the 7300 you can specify which signal you want to generate cw. I'll go back to both Commander/Winwarbler and N1MM and fiddle a bit more. The main tuning knob is big and incredibly smooth. But, perhaps others will feel differently. Personally, I find the 3DSS display of little value. However, it could use a little bit of averaging to make a little bit less jittery. My first goal is to try and achieve CW via CAT command and the 7300 is listed as capable of that (since it can do that via the internal key also). The graphing component (upper half of the spectrum display) is very clear with many color combinations to suit my taste. I'll try that later but that appears to require a few VSP's to be installed. To: Re: CW keying an Icom 7300 via N1MM?ĬJ, I read your post and that looks like the use of CW by setting the Icom internal menu (Connectors/USB Keying) to either RTS or DTR. The radio will switch to TX if semi-break in keying is enabled. In Configurer, there should be only one checkmark in the CW/Other column. When you click on a signal, the radio FRQ will follow it up. When you rotate the VFO the display FRQ is moving as well. When you are done left click on the arrow up right and you ahve your spectrum display showing the band where your radio is. Change the Icom 7300 to CENTER and watch what you can do with. EN: On the SPECTRUM window you have several options about what you like to see. Win4IcomSuite has 6 virtual radios built in that can interface to any.

Scopes of the Icom radios as well as the SDRPlay RSP devices. It includes support for the built in Spectrum. There is no need to check "radio command PTT for CW". The N1MM Logger Spectrum Monitor will not work unless the Icom 7300 Spectrum Scope is running. Description: Win4IcomSuite is a comprehensive control package for the Icom IC-7100, IC-7300, IC-7610, IC-7600, IC-7700, IC-7850/51, IC-9700 with more radios to follow. Set the DTR dropdown to CW and if you configured the radio above, the RTS dropdown to PTT.

In N1MM Logger Configurer, open the radio COM port setup window. Using the radio SET menu configure DTR for CW.